Senin, 05 Juni 2023

Explore Taman Wisata Iman in Sidikalang, North Sumatera

Gate of Taman Wisata Iman by

In December 2017, I visited my grandfather in Sukandebi Village, Tigalingga District, Dairi Regency, North Sumatera Province. The trip from Batam to Medan by airplane took around one hour and thirty minutes. Upon arrival at Kualanamu International Airport, we immediately continued our journey by car. We traveled for around six hours to my grandfather's house.

In the middle of the trip, we stopped at one of the food stalls in Medan. The food stall sells various Medan specialties, such as Soto Medan, Mie Gomak, Ikan Arsik, Ayam Napinadar, Natinombur, and many more. I ordered Soto Medan for my lunch. Soto Medan is a specialty food in Medan, the soup is made from thick coconut milk and typical Medan spices that distinguish Soto Medan from other regional soto. Besides Soto Medan, we also ordered Ikan Arsik and Ikan Natinombur.

Soto Medan

Ikan Arsik is a goldfish cooked in yellow seasoning with a spicy and tasty taste from typical Medan seasonings, such as andaliman, tamarind and batak onions. Ikan Natinombur is a tilapia fish grilled with hot coals and served with a sauce on top that can make the tongue vibrate. The spices of this Ikan Natinombur consist of andaliman, shallots, cayenne pepper, candlenut and kecombrang. After lunch, we continued our journey to my grandfather's house.

Ikan Arsik

Ikan Natinombur

On the second day at my grandfather's house, our family planned to visit one of the tourist destinations in Sidikalang. The tourist destination was Taman Wisata Iman. We departed from the morning around 7 o'clock by car. The journey from my grandfather's house to Taman Wisata Iman took around three hours.

When we arrived at Taman Wisata Iman, I was surprised by the sight I found there. "Amazing", that's what I can express when I step foot into there. This park has a myriad of natural beauties that spoil the eyes. This is the best tourist park I have ever visited. 

In this park we can learn about all recognized religions in Indonesia. I was able to see miniatures of various religious houses in Indonesia, such as a Mosque, Church, Temple or Vihara. The distance between one religion and another is not close and around the park is decorated with replica statues that have historical value and are beautifully wrapped.

The natural condition of the hills made me and my family who wanted to explore it have to walk up and down the stairs. Even so, this did not dampen my enthusiasm to enjoy this extraordinary sight. At the special park for Christians, I went straight to the Garden of Paradise. There are various statues there, such as the statue of the snake, the statue of Adam and Eve, the statue of the prophet Moses who received two tablets containing the 10 commandments of God, the statue of Noah's Ark, the statue of the story of the Lord Jesus feeding the 5,000 people, the statue of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, the statue of the journey of the Lord Jesus who was crucified, the statue of the Virgin Mary, to the statue of 3 Crosses where the Lord Jesus was crucified with 2 criminals on his left and right at the top of the Park. Not to forget the beautiful waterfall behind the cave known as Sampendabah Waterfall and a replica of the statue of Jesus Blessing like the one in Manado is also here.

It was already 3pm, time for us to go home. I really enjoyed my trip these two days and I can't wait for the next day's trip.

Explore Taman Wisata Iman in Sidikalang, North Sumatera

Gate of Taman Wisata Iman by In December 2017, I visited my grandfather in Sukandebi Village, Tigalingga District, Dairi Regency...